Thursday, November 15, 2012


For the month of November I have been writing each day something I'm thankful for. I try to use an example of what happened that day because it made me feel better or made me realize I don't say what I'm thankful for enough.

Today I am thankful for my mama. She is an amazing, beautiful, woman of God and I am so thankful to be her daughter. Though we fight and don't always agree, she has always been there for me.

I thought two years ago when she moved away that it would be the hardest on me but it really has been a weird blessing. I feel like we've gotten closer and now have a better relationship.  I laugh thinking about when I totaled my car and had to call her from the ambulance and tell her. Oh how nice it was knowing she was not nearby. She worried from afar but it was nice to be able to ease her in and tell her I would never be driving that car again.

Today she goes in for surgery. It's apparently a minor procedure on her knee that has caused her pain for the last eight or nine months. She is not worried and has a great attitude. I on the other hand am a bit of a wreck. I just want to be there. They didn't know when the surgery would be until a few weeks ago so it was hard to plan around that. My grandma is there to take good care of her.

I called her this morning on my way to work and we chatted for a bit. She was getting ready to leave so we hung up. I didn't feel right so I called her back and asked if I could pray with her. We prayed and hung up and I had peace about it.

I want to continue being thankful throughout the year. Not just a few weeks before Thanksgiving. I have a lot to be thankful for: an apartment, a car, a wonderful family, friends, a job, a chance to stay busy. I don't take the time to appreciate what I have but complain because there are things I don't have that I want.

I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving and remember to cherish what you have. Cherish your family, your kids, your spouse and whatever else. Time is a gift and we never know when we're going to have to say goodbye.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Goodbye Summer

For me, once school begins, summer is over. Youth group begins and Sunday school starts. I think fall might be my favorite time of year and this fall I will be the big two five so lots of things going on!

I got back Saturday night from California. Can you say amazing.  It was one of the best weeks I've had and I'm so blessed to have been able to go.  We left at 5am last Saturday morning and drove to Fair Oaks, just outside of Sacramento. We spent Saturday night, all day Sunday and left Monday night but in that time I got to visit with two of my favorite people and get to hear Craig preach another sermon.  His love for God amazes me and I love getting to listen to his love for Him.  He has been blessed with this ability.  Half of us were in tears by the end of the sermon, for once it wasn't me but it was hard knowing that it would be a while before hearing him again.

They have an outdoor pool and with 95 degree weather, we were going to take advantage of it. Life was good. We barbequed and just got to lounge around. I got to lay down and read a book. It was amazing.

Monday we left around 9am and ventured towards Disneyland. We had one guy who couldn't get the weekend off of work so he was flying down. It worked out we beat him to the hotel and we weren't waiting too long before he texted us that he was there.  We went out to dinner and settled in. With four guys and three girls, we knew an adventure was coming.

Tuesday we headed to Disneyland. Because we got a package at the hotel, we got early entrance to the main park so we thought we'd hit the rides that are a little more low-key first.  A couple of the guys had never been to Disneyland and we didn't want to start out with the really fun rides and then get the sucky ones. We proudly rode Peter Pan and Snow White and It's a Small World. I believe even some teacups were in there.  Then we got to ride Splash Mountain and Thunder Mountain.

Wednesday was California Adventure and I'll be honest, I'm not a huge fan of fast rides and dark ones. I opted out of Space Mountain and the Tower of Terror. I've done them before and that was good enough of me. It was our first time at Cars Land and that was a lot of fun.

Thursday was a "do whatever you want to" kind of a day. My shorts had not been long enough and I began chaffing so I spent Thursday napping and reading. Not a bad way to end our Anaheim adventure. I got my souveniors bought and was ready to go. Back to Sacramento we went where bundt cake and ice cream were waiting for us!

Friday was our official do nothing day. We woke up, had breakfast and just hung out. Debbie is an amazing cook and a great hostess.  The Hardinger's make a great team and I'm counting the days til I can see them again.  We found out they had a movie theater nearby that shows not as new movies but it costs $3.75! Heck yeah. We found out they were showing Men in Black 3 so we went to that showing and had a great time.

Saturday was a hard day. My goodbye to Craig and Debbie was all in tears and as much as it was great to see them, it reminded me of how much I miss them and how much they were involved in my life before they left.

We left their house a little before 9 and made it back home in just over 14 hours. Hello limited stops!  I was the annoying one who kept having to go to the bathroom but hey, don't stop by a coffee booth or a restaurant and expect me to not buy something.

Yesterday Sunday school started and I began my first time as the secretary for the 1st through 6th graders. They seem like a fun bunch. I got a big hug from one of my favorite first graders to end the morning! 

In Disneyland, I bought Khloe the cutest Disney princesses and was able to bring them over to her before church and hang out the rest of the day. It was a great way to end my vacation and kept me laughing.  I am blessed!

Well here's to the summer, it was a great one and fall... you can bring it on!

Friday, August 10, 2012

More Ch-ch-ch-changes

I need to start updating this thing mo.  It's been four weeks and the craziness has not settled down.

I put in my notice at work and they offered me a substancial raise and a bonus.  The pros outweighed the cons and I made the choice to stay at my job.  They said they were willing to work with me on what I was unhappy about and so far, it has not been terrible!  That also means I get to go to California in a few weeks and spend time visiting my old pastor and his wife who are just like parents to me and then spend a few days at Disneyland.

This last month has been great. I've been to at least one wedding, I've met two new babies, Addison and Emma, and there is something so surreal about getting to hold a brand new baby for the first time. Addison was less than two days old and Emma was just over two days old. Cutest babies ever. I don't say that about every baby!

I got to plan a church baby shower which is always fun with me and it was for a good friend which made it that more special.  I've been slowly working on my apartment and not making it look like a dive. Each day is one step closer.  Last week I got to spend about 12 hours in Idaho, 9 of which I was sleeping but the 3 I got to spend with my mom was good. I forget how much I miss her until I see her. That was not enough time but if everything works out, I will see her at Christmas.

Summer is almost over. I miss being in school when I actually got to enjoy summer but I have been blessed with legit vacations this year. 

Here's to enjoying the last few weeks of summer!

Thursday, July 12, 2012


For those of you who really know me, you know that I haven't really been happy at my job for a while now. I am a month shy of being there three years and over half that time, part of me wished I was doing something different. I felt guilty for feeling that way so I tried to stick it out.

That's a little side note. Jamaica was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G to say the least. I am so very fortunate to have a cousin who wanted to elope and an aunt and uncle who wanted to include me in this trip. A week of nothing but swimming, laying out, reading, drinking and getting to spend time with family and friends. My cousin's wedding was amazing, out on the beach, with nothing but blue sky and sand.  A great time was had by everyone!

We got back late from Jamaica and I started work soon after at both jobs. I was given the rest of the week off and the following week from my second job to visit with my mom who I got to see after a year that Thursday!  It was so nice being able to see her and spend time with her. We had a reception that weekend and then I got to see her until she left the following Saturday. 10 days. It was great!

Back to my little side note, after I got back from Jamaica, I was under the impression that things would have been done while I was not at work for the five days. I was under the wrong impression and spent the next week in tears and working hard to get caught up.  I spent a morning going crazy and happened to look at craigslist. My mom found it too and emailed me and said hey send your resume.

So I listened to my mom like always. Haha. Anyways, I sent it in and that week I did a phone interview. The following week I did an interview there and then this week I took a personality assessment. Not going to lie, I was nervous and hoping it would go well.

I was offered the position and officially accepted it! I went in today and started the paperwork and put in my notice. It's been a while since I have been that nervous!  So glad that I've been given this opportunity and can't wait to start!

The summer is flying by and we finally have summer weather.  Here's to more book reading and did I mention I will be working four 10's now. How awesome is that!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Countdown's Almost Over

Just 4 days left! Exactly 4 days from now I will be leaving for church, packing, a graduation party, more packing and making sure I'm ready and we'll be heading to the airport. We have a 3 hour layover in Maryland and by 1pm on Monday (Jamaica time) we will be checking into the resort.

I realized a couple weeks ago that I have a maid of honor speech to write. Again. I'm not a huge fan of these... we shall see how it goes. I'm thinking a 9 hour flight will give me lots of time. I'm hoping that I will just have to do one at the reception but I figured I'd have a short one for the ceremony while we're away.

Vacation. Such a great word. I realized I haven't had a week off in like 7 or so years. Even then it wasn't really a vacation. Excited is a understatement at this point!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

He Is Good I Am Not

This has been one of those weeks. I'm not sure how to describe it, it's not like anything bad happened to me directly, but it seems like there is just so much going on inside my head that I am tired. I'm emotional. I'm a girl. Again, one of those weeks.

I finished at Blockbuster. Last Thursday was my last official shift. To celebrate, I got to scrape gum off the sidewalk. Thank you for that opportunity. The weekend was great and horrible. Yes, I am a girl and it can be both. The weekend consisted of a lack of sleep and frustrating conversations that weren't going anywhere. Anyone who knows me knows I don't hide it well. I expected a text from my aunt by 10am Monday morning asking me if I was okay and I wasn't disappointed!

I tried to explain it to her. Not sure it made sense but I was feeling sorry for myself. Over nothing really. So basically feeling sorry for myself but having nothing to feel sorry about. Yeah, cause that makes sense..

Tuesday I started my second job. I started at 6pm and got done at 10:30pm. Over four hours of deep cleaning made for a tired girl. What did I get myself into? The guys that are working in the buildings seem nice, the scrubs-type stuff is not nice. It slowed me down so I eventually took it off and then got a look like what the heck. We'll see who wins this battle.

Tuesday was the two year anniversary of Hayley Dawn. Gosh, I miss that girl. It's hard to believe it's been two years but I know that she is in such a happier place, a safer place. I'll never forget the night we wrecked the front of my car and hid the truth for six years. It wasn't until I was writing in a journal at the hospital that everyone found out what really happened that night. I can imagine her laughing cause I'm the one who gets to deal with her dad lol.

That's also the day that a friend's mom found out she had cancer a year ago. It's been a long year for that family but God is great and has given her a year. A hard year but she is still with us and is strong!

Tonight will be night 3 of cleaning. Last night I was out of there by 9 because we had done so great on Tuesday. Tonight I believe will be just me there for most of it. I need to get into a routine. I still get lost going into those buildings and figuring out what needs to be done and where. I don't want to be a disappointment but I also want to not be crabby the next day.

I am reading a blog of an amazing couple and the difficult months they have had and the hard time they are going through right now and one of the verses they had was Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord..." It's right there. HE knows. HE knows what's going to happen tonight, tomorrow, next week and next year. What an amazing reminder!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Laugh Out Loud

I use [lol] all the time. ALL THE TIME. But I don't really laugh out loud. Sometimes I do, but I mean, who really laughs out loud at work while they're reading something.

I can't believe it's April already. I have successfully made it through the first three months of the year. Last year, I was a wreck by this time and it just got worse. God works in mysterious ways and even though I thought He hated me and was ashamed, I've realized that it's through His love for me that I've been able to make it in one piece.

Three months down and less than two and a half until I'm in Jamaica. Jamaica. Jamaica. No matter how many times I say it or type it, it seems unreal. The only places I go are in the same county that I live in. I've gone to Seattle a few times this last month for birthdays and I've gone to Idaho to see family but that's been about it.

Since my last post a few months ago, I can update with my living situation. I did in fact, have to move. Again. My friends are going to hate me. Luckily I am blessed with awesome friends who have helped move me twice in less than six months. I'm back in Lynden which is nice because it's closer to boths jobs. It's quite a bit smaller...I went from two bedrooms to a studio. I'm making it work though. Kind of.

I put in my notice at Blockbuster. The management is ridiculous and they're sooo sales driven and let's just say I suck at sales that I didn't feel I could give it my all. Without meaning to, I scored an interview with a company that would be evenings and a set schedule [another set back for a girl with a life is having a job that barely lets you know a week in advance what you are working] so I interview for that in the morning. I know them pretty well and they made it seem like it was a formality that I come in. We shall see.

Well I've written a book here so I'll stop!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

2012: Bring It On

I'm not a huge fan of New Years. I like that with the new year we can start fresh, not start over but feel like I can be a better version of myself.

I had kind of had a "distance" relationship going on which wasn't really going on because we were three hours apart and I have no time to go anywhere but work right now and he wasn't making the effort I wanted so I decided new years eve was a great way to end it. I wanted to start 2012 fresh and happy. So far, so good!

A few days later, I was in bed, attempting to fall asleep when I get a text from my aunt. She has some news. My cousin [I'm her maid of honor] is getting married this summer and they decided to make it a destination wedding in... JAMAICA! Are you freaking kidding me?! Umm yes I'll go!

What a great way to start this year.

Other then working, working and oh wait, did I mention, working that's all I have been doing. There's a rumor going on that I might have to move [my lease is up in September but I hate it here so it would be an awesome answer to prayer by the way] so I should know in the next month.

Happy 2012!